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How to install the script in local server manually

How to install the script in local server manually

  1. Create a new folder in your htdocs/www folder.
  2. Extract the downloaded script in that folder which you have just created.
  3. Go to PhpMyAdmin and create a new database & import the SQL from the extracted files (uploads/installation/uploadable_database.sql).
  4. Copy config.php file from uploads/installation folder and paste it to the application/config folder. Replace the files with the same name.
  5. Open the file routes.php and set default controller as “home” as below :
    $route[‘default_controller’] = ‘home’;
  6. Open the application/config/database.php file and change the below values with your data:
    hostname’ => ‘localhost’,
    ‘username’ => ‘phpmyadmin username’, //default is root
    ‘password’ => ‘phpmyadmin password’, // default password is blank for
    ‘database’ => ‘database name’,

Finally browse the script.
Admin URL: your site/admin, Admin email: [email protected], Admin password: 1234