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How does the admin manage employees?

How does the admin manage employees?

The admin can manage all employees and their role. To manage this admin needs to follow below steps:

Step – 1:

  • Login into the admin panel and go to the Employees Role sub-menu under the Employee menu from the left sidebar.
  • There, the admin will get a form to create a new role for the employee.
  • Admin just need to put the role name and click on Add new role button.

Step – 2:

  • After creating a role, role name will append on the left sidebar under the Employee menu.
  • Admin needs to click on the role name for adding a new employee from the left sidebar.
  • Admin will get the all employee list of that specific role.
  • There, the admin will get a button named Add New Employee.
  • Click on Add New Employee and get a form for adding a new employee.
  • Fill up the form with data and click on Add Employee.

Step – 3:

  • Now admin needs to set the access permission for newly added employees.
  • To do this Admin needs to click on the role name of a newly added employee from the left sidebar.
  • Admin will get the all employee list of that specific role and find that employee and click on Options button and then click on Set Access Permission.

Now set the access permission and click on the Update button.