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How does the admin send money to freelancers?

How does the admin send money to freelancers?

To send money to freelancers there is two way and they are:

  1. After getting withdraw request from freelancer
  2. Without getting withdraw request

After getting withdraw request from freelancer :

  • Go to the Withdraw Request sub-menu under the Freelancers menu from the left side bar.
  • There, the admin will find the all withdraw requests lists.
  • Admin will click on the Options button and then click on Pay Now.
  • From there Admin will insert the money sending details with receipt and then click on the Paid button.
  • .Admin can send money to freelancers via bank on paypal and for this freelancer needs to set his/her payout information.

Without getting withdraw request :

  • Go to the All Freelancers sub-menu under the Freelancers menu from the left side bar.
  • There, the admin will find the all freelancers lists.
  • Admin will click on the Options button and then click on Pay Now.
  • From there Admin will insert the money sending details with receipt and then click on the Paid button.
  • .Admin can send money to freelancers via bank on paypal and for this freelancer needs to set his/her payout information.