Active eCommerce CMS Documentation
- Which options are translatable in multi Language?
- How to set up a website?
- How to configure the SMTP system?
- How to configure Facebook login API?
- Google login API configuration
- How to configure Facebook Chat?
- How to Setup Currency?
- How to Setup language?
- How to manage shipping for products?
- How to translate product information in multiple languages?
- Features Activation Setup
- How to configure payment methods?
How to upload products from admin?
There are several steps to upload a product. Follow the instructions below:
- Log in as an admin
- Click on All Products from the left navbar.
- Then click on the Add New Product button.
- Or, click on Add New product from the left navbar
- Product information - Need to fill the required field with proper data one by one.
- By clicking on the General part you can see the product information details
- Insert a product name.
- Select multiple categories and a main category.
- Choose a brand from the dropdown list.
- Insert the product unit like pc, kg, ltr etc.
- Insert the product weight in kg.
- Insert the product’s Minimum purchase quantity.
- Input single/multiple words for product Tags and press enter.
- Input Barcode
- Enable or disable the Refundable switch.
- Write the description of the product. You can add any image or video in this description box.
- Enable/disable the Featured and Today's Deal switch
- Fill up the Flash Deal part
- Choose the Flash title
- Insert the discount amount
- Choose the discount type
- Fill up the VAT & TAX part
- Insert the TAX amount and choose the TAX type
- Insert the VAT amount and choose the VAT type
- Now, Click on the Save & Publish button
- Now go to the Files & Media Section
- Upload Gallery images- Preferable size 600 x 600.
- Upload the Thumbnail image - Preferable size 300 x 300
- Choose any video provider
- Insert video link
- PDF upload option(if available).
- Now, Click on the Save & Publish button
- Now go to the Price & Stock Section
- You can choose multiple colors by enabling the switch.
- Choose the attributes of this product and then input the values of each attribute.
- Insert the Unit price of the product.
- You can also give the discount date from the Discount Date Range.
- Add product discount(if available then put the amount or if not available then just put zero). Select “Flat” or “Percent” from the right option and insert the value
- Fill the set point filed if the club point addon is installed
- Insert the quantity of the product.
- Insert the SKU (Unit of product quantity)
- Insert the External link (if you want to put)
- Insert the External link button text (this button will take you to the external link)
- Insety the Low Stock Quantity
- Enable/disable any switch of Show stock quantity/ Show stock of text only/Hide stock
- Now, Click on the Save & Publish button
- Now go to the SEO Section
- Write a title that will appear on a shared link.
- Write a short description that will appear on a shared link.
- Upload a single image
- Then click on the Save & Publish button.
- Now go to the Shipping Section
- From here can on or off Shipping information options
- Cash on delivery
- Free shipping
- Flat rate
- Is product multipy
- Also can set estimated delivery time.
- Then click on the Save & Publish button.
- Now go to the Frequently Brought Section
- From here admin can select the product or category-wise
- If admin selects product then you can add products separately by clicking on Add More
- Or If admin selects Category, admin can choose any category from the dropdown menu and products under that category will be shown on the homepage
- Then click on the Save & Publish button.