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What are the Server Requirements to activate the script?

What are the Server Requirements to activate the script?

♦ The shop needs to be installed in the subdomain/main domain. It can’t be installed in any folder.

♦ If you want to install in localhost you need to create a virtual host for installing the shop.

♦ SSL certificate is required for PWA, payment gateways, social media login. 

♦ To install the Script minimum server requirements are: 

◊ PHP version 8.0
◊ MySQL 8.0+
◊ mod_rewrite Apache
◊ BCMath PHP Extension
◊ Ctype PHP Extension
◊ JSON PHP Extension
◊ Mbstring PHP Extension
◊ OpenSSL PHP Extension
◊ PDO PHP Extension
◊ Tokenizer PHP Extension
◊ XML PHP Extension
◊ ZipArchive Extension
◊ Fileinfo Extension
◊ GD Extension

♦ In most servers, these extensions are enabled by default, but you should check with your hosting provider.