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How to configure the App according to your setup?

How to configure the App according to your setup?

  1. App Config:
    This helps you connect your app to your server.

Open lib/app_config.dart

You can change the copyright_text, app_name, HTTPS,DOMAIN_PATH variable.

Do not change the other variables.

If your site does not have https or your are using a local machine as server (localhost) the make HTTPS = false;

Your DOMAIN_PATH is your site url without any protocol. (see screenshot below)

If you are using localhost , DOMAIN_PATH should be “your_ip_address/your_project”;
** “localhost/your_project” will not not work **

Normally you do not have to change the BASE_PATH. Keep it as given.

But if you are using s3 for image uploading your BASE_PATH should be :

BASE_PATH = https://[[bucketname]].s3.[[regeion]]“;


2. Theme Config:

This helps you change your app’s colors according to your theme/branding

Open lib/my_theme.dart

You can change the accent_color, soft_accent_color, splash_screen_color variable.

Flutter by default does not support hex color. Do not change the other variables.

 Use To get the RGB value if you do not already know your theme’s RGB color.
You should keep the Opacity value 1 (Opacity can be 0, 0.1, 0.2, …….. ,0.9 ,1)

See the screenshot below.


3. Configure the launcher icon:

This helps you change your app’s launcher icon.

Change the app_logo.png in assets folder with your own

logo.Your file name should also be app_logo.png and it should be a 512×512 png image and the image format should be the same.


After replacing the file , uninstall your app from your emulator.Otherwise the logo will not be changed.


Then in your android studio terminal run:
flutter pub get

Then run :

flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

Then run your app (shift +10). The app will be installed again with your given launcher icon.

4. Configure other logos:

In the asset folders we have other logos that you may want to change according to your branding.


This logos will be found in :

assets/square_logo.png (50×64)

assets/login_registration_form_logo.png (512×512)

assets/splash_screen_logo.png (512×512)


Change this logo with your own logo.File name , image format and size should be the same for each logo.

Then in your android studio terminal run:
flutter pub get

Then restart your app (shift +10). You should see your own logo in these places.


5. Addon Config:

This helps you with certain sections in app that shows according to the addons

Open lib/addon_config.dart

You can change the club_point_addon_installed, refund_addon_installed, otp_addon_installed variable.

For each variable : if you have the installed the related addon in your server :  make it true, otherwise make it false