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How does a client bookmark a freelancer?

How does a client bookmark a freelancer?

For a client to bookmark a freelancer he needs to do the following steps:

  • Firstly, he needs to login as a client.
  • Then search for the freelancer.To search for a freelancer he needs to do the following:
    • Search for the freelancer.
    • Go to the search bar residing at the top navbar of the site.
    • The user should type in the name of the freelancer he is searching for or keep it blank if he wants the list of all the freelancers.
    • Then select the freelancer option from the select option.
    • Finally, click the search icon residing at the right side of the select option.

  • There he will find a ‘Bookmark Freelancer’ button.
  • Just by clicking that button a client can bookmark a freelancer.