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Upload Products From Seller

Upload Products From Seller

Registered sellers will get product uploading options from their profile. The steps are below,

    1.  Log in to the seller  profile.
    2. Go to the left navigation bar and click  PRODUCTS.
    3. Click Add New.
    4. Fill the text fields named Product Name, Product Category, Subcategory, Subcategory , Product Brand, Product Unit, Product Tag, Image (Main Images,Thumbnail Image), Video (Video From, Video URL), Meta Tags.
    5. Then fill up the Customer Choice options. Color options can be enabled or disabled. Sellers can also add more customer choice options by giving choice title and choice values (ex. Title: Size; Values: Small, large;) To add choice values write the value and press enter.
    6. Then fill up the Price (if multiple customer choices available, seller could add variant price on the basis of customer choices and also could set stock keeping unit and quantity).
    7. Fill up the Description field.

Click on Add New Product.



To make it easy, we have created a video tutorial on How to Upload Products from Seller that you can watch below.